PC & Internet Monitoring Softwareadmin452019-11-21T09:46:58+00:00
PC & Internet Monitoring Software
Our Flagship Product for Company-Wide Monitoring
Spector 360, SpectorSoft’s flagship product for centralized employee monitoring, offers a high level view of the ongoing activities of your employees as they use company PCs and the Internet. Spector 360 allows you to inspect the activities across your organization using easy-to-read graphical charts. At any time you can “drill down” to a detailed view of these activities to learn more.
Spector 360 features automated deployment, remote management tools and will record a wide range of PC activity including Email, Chat/IM, Web Surfing, Online Searches, Keystrokes and Programs used. Spector 360 also includes our award-winning VCR-like screen snapshot recording. With Spector 360 you can generate high-quality management reports of your findings that can be printed or emailed on a regular basis.
Spector 360 is designed for business, education and government users running a Windows based network. Call us today for discount pricing or email us at [email protected].
Our company partners with many vendors to provide integration solutions for their products.